By monitoring targets and related indicators of the Sendai Framework, the UNDRR Bonn Office advocates and promotes synergies between DRR, climate change and ultimately sustainable development.
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Strong accountability is one of the corner stones of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The UNDRR Office in Bonn supports the monitoring process of the implementation of the Sendai Framework though seven targets and 38 indicators as well as its related dimensions reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals 1, 11 and 13.
The UNDRR Bonn office provides guidance to the Regional Offices for enhanced support to governments as they report on progress in reducing loss of life, numbers of people affected by disasters, economic losses and damage to critical infrastructure. It provides this support engagement with a number of technical organizations within and outside of the UN and through technical guidance documentation, training packages and other data related initiatives.
The UNDRR Bonn office provides guidance to the Regional Offices for enhanced support to governments as they report on progress in reducing loss of life, numbers of people affected by disasters, economic losses and damage to critical infrastructure. It provides this support engagement with a number of technical organizations within and outside of the UN and through technical guidance documentation, training packages and other data related initiatives.

UNDRR Bonn enables countries to identify progress in the implementation of DRR related targets and indicators of the SDGs, while fostering coherence between DRR and climate change adaptation efforts. The Bonn Office will build on ongoing efforts at national and local levels to further promote coherence in the implementation of global frameworks. By creating synergies in implementing Sendai Framework Target e and the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), countries have an opportunity to ensure coherence between disaster risk reduction, climate action and sustainable development policies and practices.

UNDRR and partner organisations support countries in monitoring their progress in reducing losses and damages at national and sub-national levels through a publicly-accessible DesInventar disaster information management system. DesInventar has been the basis for national disaster losses and damages databases in about 110 Member States. National databases provide a comprehensive picture of human, economic and infrastructural losses with granularity of data down to subnational levels in alignment with relevant targets and indicators of the Sendai Framework and facilitating recording relevant data disaggregation.
Aware of the emerging user needs and the existence of modern solutions, UNDRR, UNDP and WMO are collaborating to develop a new hazardous event and disaster losses and damages tracking system. The new system will replace the existing DesInventar with a more comprehensive and interoperable tracking system that will cover both hazardous events, as well as disaggregated losses and damages at localized scales.
Aware of the emerging user needs and the existence of modern solutions, UNDRR, UNDP and WMO are collaborating to develop a new hazardous event and disaster losses and damages tracking system. The new system will replace the existing DesInventar with a more comprehensive and interoperable tracking system that will cover both hazardous events, as well as disaggregated losses and damages at localized scales.

UNDRR Bonn co-leads, with WMO, the monitoring and evaluation of the Early Warnings for All (EW4All) initiative which responds to the UN Secretary-General’s call for every person on Earth to be protected by early warning systems by 2027. The EW4ALL Monitoring and Evaluation Framework is structured around the four pillars of early warning systems, its enabling environment, and guiding principles. Results of monitoring and evaluation are publicly available and shared through annual global status reports (2022 and 2023) and through a Dashboard, which serves as a centralized data portal to monitor and visualize progress and outcomes
Contact us
UNDRR Bonn office
UN Campus
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 8152000
Email: [email protected]