Words into Action (WiA)

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About Words into Action
The Words into Action (WiA) guidelines series aims to ensure worldwide access to expertise, communities of practice and networks of DRR practitioners. The guidelines offer specific advice on the steps suggested to implement a feasible and people-centered approach in accordance with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. While these guidelines are not meant to be exhaustive handbooks that cover each detail, those who need in-depth information will find references to other sources of information.
On the basis of a knowledge co-production methodology, WiA work groups use a participatory approach that ensures a wide and representative diversity in knowledge sources. WiA is primarily a knowledge translation product converting a complex set of concepts and information sources into a simpler and synthesized tool for understanding risk and learning. It is also meant to be a catalyser for engagement of partners and other actors.
In summary, the WiA guidelines are pragmatic roadmaps to programming an effective implementation strategy. This is facilitated by promoting a good understanding of the main issues, obstacles, solution finding strategies, resourcing and aspects for efficient planning. The guidelines can be valuable resources for national and local capacity building through workshops and training in academic and professional settings. They can also serve as a reference for policy and technical discussions.
For more information about Words into Action, please contact:
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
7bis Avenue de la Paix
CH1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Email: [email protected]
Development process