UNISDR annual report 2013
This final report on UNISDR's progress in the 2012-2013 biennium focuses on the achievements of 2013, while also showing the cumulative impact of work begun in 2012.
The delivery of results is described in the order of the four Strategic Objectives of the UNISDR Strategic Framework 2012-2015: Lead and Coordinate, Credible Evidence, Advocacy and Outreach, and Deliver and Communicate Results. After a mid-biennium review, the Strategic Framework was adjusted in January 2013 to update and sharpen its results focus. The previous “Outcomes” have been translated into corresponding expected “Results”, while retaining all the original actions.
Supplementing the main report is Annex 2 (Progress against Result Indicators), which follows each of the four Objectives and provides details of the results and the impact of UNISDR during 2012-2013. The previous Outcome and Output indicators have been consolidated against each of the eleven Results.
The achievements reported show that great strides have been taken to realize the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters, and that a firm platform has been built for the post-2015 era of disaster risk reduction.
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