Sendai Framework Focal Points and National Platforms

By ensuring effective coordination of disaster risk reduction at national level, National Platforms play an instrumental role in ensuring an all-of-government and all-of-society approach to reducing risk and building resilience. These efforts are intimately tied to the coordination efforts at local level (ex. Local platforms), as well as supranational level.

Through the drive and coordination of National Sendai Focal Points, the platforms have a crucial role in coordinating strategies, policies, actions, reporting etc. to ensure a more coherent implementation of risk reduction priorities, critical to the implementation and monitoring of the Sendai Framework.

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Implementing the Sendai Framework
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (Sendai Framework) is the roadmap for how we make our communities safer and more resilient.


Country Sendai Focal Point National Platform Country on PreventionWeb
Benin Direction de la Prévention et de la Protection Civile National Platform Country resources
Botswana National Disaster Management Office, Office of the President National Platform Country resources
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - government National Platform Country resources
Burundi Burundi - government National Platform Country resources
Cabo Verde Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil National Platform Country resources
Congo Ministère de l'Économie Forestière et de l'Environnement National Platform Country resources
Côte d'Ivoire Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests National Platform Country resources
Democratic Republic of the Congo Min de l'Intérieur National Platform Country resources
Gabon Ministere de l'Interieur,de la Sécurité Publique, de l'Immigration et de la Décentralisation National Platform Country resources
Ghana National Disaster Management Organization (Ghana) National Platform Country resources
Guinea Ministère de l'Environnement et du Developpement Durable National Platform Country resources
Guinea-Bissau National Service of Civil Protection (Guinea-Bissau) National Platform Country resources
Kenya Ministry of Devolution and Planning, State department of devolution, Directorate of special programmes National Platform Country resources
Lesotho Disaster Management Authority National Platform Country resources
Namibia Office of the Prime (Namibia) National Platform Country resources
Niger Office of the Prime Minister (Niger) National Platform Country resources
Nigeria National Emergency Management Agency (Nigeria) National Platform Country resources
Senegal Direction de la Protection Civile, Ministère de l'Intérieur (Senegal) National Platform Country resources
Seychelles Division of Risk and Disaster Management; Division of Risk and Disaster Management National Platform Country resources
Sierra Leone Disaster Management Department, Office of National Security National Platform Country resources
South Africa Department of Water Affairs and Forestry National Platform Country resources
Tanzania, United Rep of Office of the Prime Minister (Tanzania, United Rep of) National Platform Country resources
Togo Ministère de l'Environnement et des Ressources Forestières National Platform Country resources
Uganda Office of the Prime Minister (Uganda) National Platform Country resources
Zambia Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit National Platform Country resources

Americas and Caribbean

Country Sendai Focal Point National Platform Country on PreventionWeb
Antigua and Barbuda National Office of Disaster Services Country resources
Argentina Comisión Cascos Blancos, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores; Ministerio de Seguridad Nacional .Secretaria de Protección Civil ; Comisión Cascos Blancos - Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores; Secretaria de Articulaci Country resources
Bahamas National Emergency Management Agency (Bahamas) Country resources
Barbados Department of Emergency Management Country resources
Belize National Emergency Management Organization Country resources
Bolivia, Plurinational State of Viceministerio de Defensa Civil; Viceministerio de Defensa Civil Country resources
Brazil Secretaria Nacional de Prote; Ministerio de Integración Nacional; Secretaria Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Civil (SEDEC); Secretaria Nacional de Defesa Civil, Ministério da Integração Nacional Country resources
Canada Public Safety Canada National Platform Country resources
Chile Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres- SENAPRED National Platform Country resources
Colombia Unidad Nacional para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres Country resources
Costa Rica Comisión Nacional de Prevención de Riesgos y Atención de Emergencias National Platform Country resources
Cuba Estado Mayor Nacional de la Defensa Civil de Cuba Country resources
Dominica Office of Disaster Management Country resources
Dominican Republic Presidencia de la Rep; Comisión Nacional de Emergencias - Defensa civil National Platform Country resources
Ecuador Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos; Servicio Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos y Emergencias Country resources
El Salvador Dirección General de Protección Civil, Prevención y Mitigación de Desastres; Dirección General de Protección Civil, Prevención y Mitigación de Desastres Country resources
Grenada National Disaster Management Agency Country resources
Guatemala Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres; Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres National Platform Country resources
Guyana Civil Defense Commission Country resources
Haiti Direction de la Protection Civile (Haiti) Country resources
Honduras Comisión Permanente de Contingencias (COPECO) Country resources
Jamaica Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management Country resources
Mexico Coordinacion Nacional de Proteccion Civil Country resources
Nicaragua Sistema Nacional para la Prevención, Mitigación y Atención de Desastres; Sistema Nacional para la Prevención, Mitigación y Atención de Desastres National Platform Country resources
Panama Sistema Nacional de Proteccion Civil (Panama) Country resources
Paraguay Secretaría de Emergencia Nacional (SEN) National Platform Country resources
Peru Rector del Sistema Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres, Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros National Platform Country resources
Saint Kitts and Nevis National Emergency Management Agency (Saint Kitts and Nevis) Country resources
Saint Lucia National Emergency Management Organisation; National Emergency Management Organisation Country resources
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Emergency Management Office (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Country resources
Suriname National Coordination Center For Disaster Relief Country resources
Trinidad and Tobago Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management, the; Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) Country resources
United States of America Science for Disaster Reduction Interagency Coordination Group (SDR) National Platform Country resources
Uruguay Sistema Nacional de Emergencias; Sistema Nacional de Emergencias Country resources
Venezuela, Bolivarian Rep of Viceministerio de Gestión de Riesgo y Protección Civil (VGRPC) Country resources

Arab States

Country Sendai Focal Point National Platform Country on PreventionWeb
Algeria Delegation Nationale aux Risques Majeurs; Ministère de l'Intérieur et des Collectivités Locales; Ministry of Interior Local Collectivities and land Management Country resources
Bahrain General Directorate of Civil Defense, Ministry of Interior Country resources
Comoros Centre National de Documentation et de Recherche Scientifique, Observatoire Volcanologique du Karthala Country resources
Djibouti Ministry of Interior and Decentralization Country resources
Egypt Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center, Crisis Mangement and DRR Sector Country resources
Iraq Ministry of Health and Environment Country resources
Jordan National Center for Security and Crisis Management, General Directorate of Jordan Civil Defense; National Center for Security and Crisis Management, General Directorate of Jordan Civil Defense; General Directorate of Jordan Civil Defence Country resources
Kuwait Kuwait Fire Service Directorate Country resources
Lebanon Presidency of the Council of Ministers Country resources
Mauritania Ministère de L'Environnement et du Développement Durable National Platform Country resources
Morocco Ministère de l'Intérieur; Ministry Delegate to the Head of Government Responsible for General Affairs and Governance; Ministry Delegate to the Head of Government Responsible for General Affairs and Governance; Ministry of Interior Country resources
Oman Ministry of Environment & Climate Affairs; Ministry of Environment & Climate Affairs Country resources
Palestine, State of Disaster Risk Management Centre, Prime Minister’s Office Country resources
Qatar The Permanent Committee of Emergency, Ministry of Interior; The Permanent Committee of Emergency, Ministry of Interior; Ministry of Interior; Ministry of Interior; The Permanent Committee of Emergency, Ministry of Interior Country resources
Saudi Arabia Special Civil Defense Emergency Forces Country resources
Somalia Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Country resources
Sudan National Council of Civil Defense; National Council of Civil Defense Country resources
Tunisia Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable; Ministry of Local Affairs and the Environment Country resources
United Arab Emirates National Emergency and Crisis Management Authority Country resources
Yemen Environment Protection Authority Country resources

Asia and Pacific

Country Sendai Focal Point National Platform Country on PreventionWeb
Afghanistan Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority Country resources
Australia Department of Home Affairs National Platform Country resources
Bangladesh Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief National Platform Country resources
Bhutan Department of Local Governance and Disaster Management National Platform Country resources
Brunei Darussalam National Disaster Management Centre National Platform Country resources
Cambodia National Committee for Disaster Management (Cambodia) National Platform Country resources
China Ministry of Emergency Management Country resources
Fiji National Disaster Management Office; Fiji National Disaster Management Office National Platform Country resources
India Ministry of Home Affairs (India) National Platform Country resources
Indonesia National Agency for Disaster Management; National Agency for Disaster Management National Platform Country resources
Iran, Islamic Rep of Ministry of Interior National Platform Country resources
Japan Cabinet Office, Government of Japan National Platform Country resources
Kiribati Kiribati - government National Platform Country resources
Korea, Dem People's Rep of State Committee for Emergency and Disaster Management; State Committee for Emergency and Disaster Management Country resources
Korea, Rep of Ministry of the Interior and Safety National Platform Country resources
Lao People's Democratic Republic Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare National Platform Country resources
Malaysia National Disaster Management Agency National Platform Country resources
Maldives National Disaster Management Authority Country resources
Marshall Islands National Disaster Management Office National Platform Country resources
Micronesia, Fed States of Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management National Platform Country resources
Mongolia National Emergency Management Agency (Mongolia) National Platform Country resources
Myanmar Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Country resources
Nauru Disaster Risk Management Office under the Ministry of Commerce Industry & Environment. Government of Nauru Country resources
Nepal Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) National Platform Country resources
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade National Platform Country resources
Pakistan National Disaster Management Authority (Pakistan) National Platform Country resources
Palau National Emergency Management Office Country resources
Papua New Guinea National Disaster Centre Country resources
Philippines National Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Council National Platform Country resources
Samoa Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment National Platform Country resources
Solomon Islands National Disaster Management Office (Solomon Islands) National Platform Country resources
Sri Lanka Disaster Management Center National Platform Country resources
Thailand Ministry of Interior (Thailand) National Platform Country resources
Timor-Leste Civil Protection Authority National Platform Country resources
Tonga Ministry of Infrastructure National Platform Country resources
Tuvalu National Disaster Management Office, Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Tuvalu National Platform Country resources
Vanuatu National Disaster Management Office (Vanuatu) National Platform Country resources
Viet Nam Vietnam Disaster and Dyke Management Authority National Platform Country resources

Europe and Central Asia

Country Sendai Focal Point National Platform Country on PreventionWeb
Albania General Directorate of Civil Emergencies, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Albania National Platform Country resources
Andorra Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management, Ministry of Social Affairs, Justice and Interior National Platform Country resources
Armenia Ministry of Emergency Situations (Armenia); Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia; Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia National Platform Country resources
Austria Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics National Platform Country resources
Azerbaijan Ministry of Emergency Situation of the Republic of Azerbaijan; The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan Country resources
Belarus Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus National Platform Country resources
Belgium Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Cooperation; Belgium - government National Platform Country resources
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Security; Ministry of Security; Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina National Platform Country resources
Bulgaria Ministry of Interior (Bulgaria); Chief Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection, Ministry of Interior National Platform Country resources
Croatia National Protection and Rescue Directorate; National Protection and Rescue Directorate; Croatia - government National Platform Country resources
Cyprus Civil Defence (Cyprus) National Platform Country resources
Czech Republic Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic ; Ministry of the Environment (Czech Republic); Ministry of the Environment (Czech Republic) National Platform Country resources
Denmark Danish Emergency Management Agency National Platform Country resources
Estonia Ministry of Interior of Estonia; Ministry of Interior National Platform Country resources
Finland Ministry of the Interior (Finland) National Platform Country resources
France Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity Transition; Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity Transition; Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity Transition National Platform Country resources
Georgia National Crisis Management Center Country resources
Germany Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance National Platform Country resources
Greece General Secretariat for Civil Protection of Greece National Platform Country resources
Hungary National Directorate General for Disaster Management; National Directorate General for Disaster Management National Platform Country resources
Israel Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs; National Emergency Management Authority Country resources
Italy Dipartimento della Protezione Civile; Dipartimento della Protezione Civile; Italian Civil Protection Department; Italian Civil Protection Department National Platform Country resources
Kazakhstan Committee for emergency situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs National Platform Country resources
Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic National Platform Country resources
Liechtenstein Office for Foreign Affairs Country resources
Lithuania Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania Country resources
Luxembourg Ministry of Interior; Ministry of Home Affairs; Ministry of Home Affairs National Platform Country resources
Monaco Ministry of Interior (Monaco); Ministry of Interior (Monaco) National Platform Country resources
Montenegro Ministry of Interior - Directorate for Emergency Situations; Ministry of Interior - Directorate for Emergency Situations; Ministry of Interior and Public Administration National Platform Country resources
Netherlands, the Ministry of Security and Justice; Ministry of Justice and Security; Ministry of Security and Justice National Platform Country resources
North Macedonia Republic of North Macedonia - government; Government of the Republic of Macedonia; Government of the Republic of Macedonia National Platform Country resources
Norway Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning, Ministry of Justice and Public Security; Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning, Ministry of Justice and Public Security National Platform Country resources
Poland Government Centre for Security; Government Centre for Security National Platform Country resources
Portugal Portuguese National Authority for Civil Protection; Portuguese National Authority for Civil Protection; Portuguese National Authority for Civil Protection National Platform Country resources
Republic of Moldova Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources; State Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Country resources
Romania General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations; Romania - government; General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations; Romania - government National Platform Country resources
Russian Federation EMERCOM of Russia (Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters) National Platform Country resources
Serbia Sector for Emergency Management, Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia; Sector for Emergency Management, Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia; International Cooperation Protection and Rescue Sector, Ministry of Interior National Platform Country resources
Slovakia Ministry of Interior; Ministry of Interior; Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic Country resources
Slovenia Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, Ministry of Defence National Platform Country resources
Spain Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias National Platform Country resources
Sweden Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency; Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency National Platform Country resources
Switzerland Swiss National Platform for Natural Hazards, PLANAT; Swiss National Platform for Natural Hazards, PLANAT; Swiss National Platform for Natural Hazards, PLANAT National Platform Country resources
Tajikistan Committee of Emergency situations and Civil defense under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan National Platform Country resources
Türkiye Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency; Ministry of Interior, Disaster and Emergency Management Authority; Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency; RT Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) National Platform Country resources
Ukraine State Emergency Service of Ukraine; State Emergency Service of Ukraine National Platform Country resources
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Cabinet Office (UK) National Platform Country resources

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