Resilience expenditure landscape: Tracking spending on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
The Resilience Expenditure Landscape report provides, for the first time, an overview of and patterns in public spending related to both disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA). To do this, the report classifies expenditures based on their contribution to DRR and CCA objectives, using a coordinated system of budget tagging developed and tested by UNDRR.
The report allows users to:
- Report on the progress of country initiatives related to DRR and CCA budget tagging, synthesizing lessons learned at the country level
- Review available evidence on the size, patterns and trends of DRR and CCA expenditure, using existing analytical reports and additional thematic analysis
- Improve understanding of DRR and CCA financing needs and gaps
- Assess how DRR and CCA budget tagging complements related existing work and explore how it could influence national and international DRR and CCA policy

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