منشورات مكتب الأمم المتحدة للحد من مخاطر الكوارث
نصدر مجموعة من المنشورات التي تعتمد على جمع وتحليل البيانات المتعلّقة بالمخاطر باستخدام مجموعة من الأدوات والمنتجات المعرفية، فضلًا عن الاستعانة بالشركاء الذين يشاطروننا نفس التفكير.
大槌町(岩手県) Otsuchi Town
大槌町(おおつちちょう)は、岩手県上閉伊郡に所在する町。Ōtsuch is a town located in Kamihei District, Iwate Prefecture, in the Tōhoku region of northern Japan.
利府町(宮城県) Rifu Town
利府町(りふちょう)は、宮城県中部に位置し、宮城郡に属する町である。Rifu is a town located in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.
亘理町(宮城県) Watari Town
亘理町(わたりちょう)は、宮城県南部の太平洋沿岸に位置し、亘理郡に属する町である。Watari is a town located in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.
Rare is a global leader in driving social change for people and nature. For over 50 years, across 60 countries, Rare has inspired and empowered millions of people and their communities to protect our shared planet.
Programme Management Officer, P4, Bonn
This position is located in the UNDRR Office in Bonn, Germany. The Programme Officer will report to the Head of the UNDRR Office in Bonn under the overall guidance of the Chief, Risk Knowledge, Monitoring and Capacity-Development Branch.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Webinar: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence & Digital Asset Financing for Resilient Sustainable Economies
The session will cover opportunities for leveraging artificial intelligence and digital finance in support of urban resilience.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Office in Incheon for Northeast Asia and Global Education and Training Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction, Global Policy House
Tracking losses and damages from slow onset events
This issue-brief explore the challenges associated with and prospects to advance methodologies and approaches for comprehending the impact of slow-onset events (SOEs) induced by climate change must be explored to enable corrective action.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), UNDRR Bonn Office