EFDRR Roadmap Action-Oriented Dialogue: Reducing Risk Together - Community Engagement in DRR

Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Vantaa, Finland
Field trips in Helsinki, Finland
This event is invite-only
Disaster risk reduction is everyone’s business. Different groups have varying sets of skills, resources, and knowledge to reduce risk and help relief efforts. An all-of-society and comprehensive security approach is critical for achieving the outcomes and goals of the Sendai Framework and for building resilient communities. This is why different groups must be involved throughout risk reduction processes, so that their capacities to overcome challenges can be built up across sectors, and their strengths for improving resilience can be capitalized on.
In May 2023, during the High Level Meeting on the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, UN Member States agreed on a political declaration calling for “full, equal, meaningful, and inclusive participation and contribution of women, older persons, persons with disabilities, migrants, Indigenous Peoples and local communities… in all forums and processes related to disaster risk reduction and in the design and implementation of DRR policies, plans and programmes."
This Action Oriented Dialogue (AOD) for accelerating the implementation of the regional EFDRR Roadmap 2021-2030 and Sendai Framework will focus on “Reducing Risk Together”, bringing together a diversity of stakeholders, including the Council of Baltic Sea States, national and local government officials, youth representatives, volunteers, scientists, industry, civil society, and international organizations, to discuss four key topics:
- Youth and risk communication;
- Engagement of volunteers in DRR;
- Inclusive Early Warning Systems; and
- The role of science and the private sector in resilience building
Participants can find the agenda, practical information, including on logistics, in the attachments on the right side of this page.
The Joint Position Paper of Major Groups and Other Stakeholders for Policymakers Ahead of the Europe and Central Asia Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction 2024, as well as Session Summary Notes, are also available in the attachments.