Comprehensive School Safety Tools - Comprehensive School Safety Framework and Comprehensive School Safety Assessment Suite

The Comprehensive School Safety Framework 2022-2030 (CSSF) provides strategic guidance to the education sector’s policy-makers, planners, school administrators and their partners to promote safe, equitable, and continuous access to a quality education for all. This session, led by Ms. Marla Petal, Principal Advisor for School Safety and Resilience at Save the Children, introduces the CSSF, its key partners and stakeholders, and comprehensive school safety assessment digital toolsets to support planning and decision-making for greater resilience in the education sector.
The session was organized as part of the Training Workshop on Tools for Disaster Risk Reduction and Local Resilience held at the UNDRR Global Education and Training Institute in Incheon, Republic of Korea on 30 October at the occasion of the International Disaster Resilience Leaders Forum Incheon 2024.
For more information, please reach out to:
Ms. Marla Petal, Principal Advisor for School Safety and Resilience, Save the Children
mailto:[email protected]