Coherent action by the UN System to reduce disaster risk and build resilience
This background note describes areas of work for the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) to enhance the focus on disaster risk reduction and resilience across the UN system. It details UNISDR's actions and intended outputs in the following areas:
1. Follow up to Rio+20: consultations on sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the post-2015 development agenda.
Summary of Main Outputs: (i.) A discussion paper with practical suggestions on how to integrate disaster risk reduction
and resilience as a key dynamic of sustainable development; (ii.) Continued engagement with Member States on opportunities to protect development investments through disaster risk management, drawing on country experiences and evidence; (iii.) Global Assessment Report includes contributions from UN Country Teams and UN organizations highlighting their experience in disaster risk reduction and building resilience; (iv.) UNDP and UNISDR will organize discussions and a report around disasters and conflicts to feed into the post-2015 development agenda process.
2. Development of a UN system-wide Action Plan on disaster risk reduction and resilience
Main Output: UN system-wide Action Plan finalized in the second quarter of 2013, and endorsed by the CEB by end 2013.
3. Integration of disaster risk reduction into UN country level operations.
Main Outputs: (i.) Stock take and Baseline Study by UNISDR on integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change into UNDAFs; (ii.) Ongoing support to integrate disaster risk reduction into National Adaptation Plans, building on scientific findings as well as the implementation frames elaborated in the COP UNFCCC processes.