Arab Region Expert Meeting on Local-Urban Indicators for the Implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
UNISDR Regional Office for Arab states is hosting a 2 day workshop to bring together key experts working with local governments in the region to discuss and review the Arabic version of the local-urban indicators that will build on the Ten Essentials of the Making Cities Resilient campaign and will be aligned with Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, adopted in during the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) in 2015.
Apart from assisting cities in attaining the targets set out by the Sendai Framework, the objective of the local urban indicators is to:
- Assist local authorities and other stakeholders in assessing their current and future needs and capacities,
- Bring together stakeholders to define strategies and common goals,
- Gain a holistic understanding of city’s status including their interrelationships; and
- Identify policies and interventions that would improve the city’s resilience, there by generating solutions that touch multiple aspects of the city
The proposed expert meeting will have around 20 participants including experts from local governments who have been engaged with the Cities Campaign in past years and have reported on the LG Self-Assessment Tool.