Application of disaster loss data in support of early warning and early action in African countries
UNDRR supports Member States and DRR stakeholders at building Disaster Risk Reduction capacities in Africa, including for application of data to support Early Warning and Early Action (EWEA). Impact-based forecasting (IBF) is an essential component of an EWEA system. IBF provides a forecast of the potential consequences of a hydrometeorological event, in terms of its effects on people, agriculture, livestock, infrastructure, etc. Structured disaster loss data, i.e., data on the impact of past disasters caused by natural hazards, are of paramount importance for IBF. The disaster loss data is used to calibrate and validate trigger models.
This project seeks to support DRR stakeholders in Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique and UR Tanzania, to increase the collection and application of disaster loss data and of risk information in the context of EWEA. This requires a well-functioning data-ecosystem, where data supply and demand of impact data are balanced among the different actors involved, with adequate governance mechanisms and data infrastructure. This initiative is supported by the EU Humanitarian Aid as part of the "Strengthening disaster risk resilience through enhanced coordination mechanisms, (Malawi and regional)".
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